Songs of Palau, 1915 - 1970
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4:30 (#1)
Tekoi: Kodep Kloulechad or Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1954.
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Sikitong Beltau, 1978
4:30 (#2)
Tekoi: Hidebo Sugiyama?, Year Composed: No information.
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Hidebo Sugiyama, 1960s
Adidil e Hanako
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1937.
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No Recording of this Song
Adidil e ng Kebesengei #1
Tekoi: Kodep Kloulechad, Year Composed: 1956.
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Wataru Elbelau, 1960s
Adidil e ng Kebesengei #2
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Oketang, 1965
Adidil e ng Uoi Meringel
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1956.
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Julie Tatengelel, 1978
Adidil e Ochedengei
Tekoi: Hidebo Sugiyama, Year Composed: No information.
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Augustina Mechol, 1960s
Adidil er a Belumam
Tekoi: Salvador Rebluud, Year Composed: 1939.
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Paradise Club, 1960s
Adidil er a Rokungatsu
Tekoi: Yaoch Iechad, Year Composed: No information.
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Christa Mersai, about 1965
Adidil er Tial Buil
Tekoi: Shiro Bedul, Year Composed: 1953/54.
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Adidil er Tial Buil, Bai er a Metal Band, 1978
Adidil Tial Buil er a Ongos
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Augustina Mechol, 1960s
Ai-Se Sils el Kebesengei
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1960.
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Weena Mereb, 1989
Ak Kora Oureng er a Soak
Tekoi: Dudiu Tutii?, Year Composed: No information.
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Julita Remengesau & the VOP Band, 1960s
Aki Obudal me Remei
Tekoi: Olkeriil Teteo, Year Composed: No information.
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Wataru Elbelau & the VOP Band, 1960s
Akoru no Abai
Tekoi: Ngirasiau, Year Composed: No information.
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Unidentified Singer, 1960s
Ang Kuk Mocha Kebesengei
Tekoi: Either Ymesei Ezekiel or Kodep Kloulechad, Year Composed: No information.
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Teruko Rengulbai & the Friday Night Club, 1960s
Arumi no Singoto
Tekoi: Rechucher Kaske, Year Composed: No information.
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Friday Night Club, 1997
Bai Derengul a Eolt
Tekoi: Kodep Kloulechad, Year Composed: 1953.
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Tresa Rdulaol, 1980s
Bai er a Meketii
Tekoi: Teteo Yaoch, Year Composed: 1944.
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Tres Rdulaol, 1989
Bamboo Inn
Tekoi: Dudiu Tutii, Year Composed: 1963.
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Julie Tatengelel Aichi, 1960s
Beauty Shell
Tekoi: Either Ymesei Ezekiel or Kodep Kloulechad, Year Composed: No information.
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Julie Tatengelel & the VOP Band, 1960s
Becheklel a Midori
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: No information.
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Midori Maru [Becheklel a Midori]; Beverly & Yosko; 1996
Bechesei Ke Milkerang
Tekoi: Sandario Kulas, Year Composed: No information.
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Unidentified Male Singer, 1970s?
Bechesei Kurusii Ra
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Teruchiang, Christa Mersai
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: 1936.
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Becheserrak, 1936
Bechesiil a Renguk
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Bechesiil a Renguk, Lisa Sandei
Bechesiil a Uoi Meketeketang
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: 1935.
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Augustina Mechol & the VOP Band, 1960s
Bechesiil a Urungulem er a Soam
Tekoi: Paulus Olmetelel?, Year Composed: No information.
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Paulus Olmetelel, 1960s
Bechesiil el Kmal Mle Betik er a Renguk
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Bechesiil el Kmal Mle Betik a Renguk, Keng-Ich Ucharm
Bechesiil el Ngara Miyako
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Maria Melaitau & Lucky 7 Band, 1960s
Bechesiil el Uoi Meterkakl
Tekoi: Paulus Olmetelel, Year Composed: No information.
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Baslisa Takesh, 1960s
Bechesiil le ngak
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1958.
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Bechesiil Lomid
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Keng-Ich Ucharm, 1960s
Tekoi: Clarence Ngemaes, Year Composed: No information.
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Clarence, 1960s
Tekoi: Ngiraului Ngemaes, Year Composed: 1934.
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Belias, Tresa Rdulaol, 1987? (BMC-105)
Betik er a Renguk el Klisichek
Tekoi: Bandarii Olebuu, Year Composed: No information.
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Betik er a Renguk el Klisichek, Isimang Bandarii, 1965
Buil er a Mechorei
Tekoi: Yaoch Iechad, Year Composed: No information.
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Buil er a Mechorei, Yaoch Iechad
Chebuul a Renguk
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1956.
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Kayangel Matamatong, 1963
Chelebuul er a Chereomel
Tekoi: Unknown, Year Composed: Unknown.
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Paulus Mad, Lucky 7 band
Tekoi: Ngirasiau, Year Composed: No information.
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“Palauan Music from Palau”, Prior to 1982
Tekoi: Unknown, Year Composed: Before 1936.
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Muranushi recording, 1936
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Darling, Christa Mersai
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information
Unidentified Male Singer, 1970s
Tekoi: Adalbert Obak, Year Composed: ca. 1931.
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Brisia Tangelbad,1980
Desik el Kmal Mle Betik er a Renguk
Tekoi: Teruko Rengulbai, Year Composed: No information.
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Teruko Rengulbai & the Friday Night Club, 1960s
Di Obeso er Ngak
Tekoi: Keng-ich Ucharm?, Year Composed: No information.
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Keng-Ich Ucharm, 1960s
Did er a Sechou
Tekoi: Yoich Rengiil, Year Composed: 1968.
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Yoich Rengiil and the VOP band, 1960s
Dirk Oltoir
Tekoi: Wataru Elbelau, Year Composed: No information.
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Wataru Elbelau, 1960s
Doki Doki
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Doki Doki Sel Tal, Sikitong Beltau and the Bai er a Metal Band, 1978
Eang Kol Ngera Bok Kedmeklii
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: After 1962.
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Eang Kol Ngera Bok Kutmeklii, Lawrence Renguul and the Verticals, 1970
A Eanged a Ungil
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: No information.
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A Eanged a Ungil, Unidentified Choral Group, 1963 or earlier
Eolt er a Melidiul
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Eolt era Melidiul, Unknown Singer, early 1980s
Hakanai Watasi
Tekoi: Esebei Espangel, Year Composed: 1924.
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Hakanai Watashi, Friday Night Club
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: No information.
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Harukani, John B. Skebong, 1960s
Hate er a Inaka
Tekoi: Obak Taksui, Year Composed: No information.
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Kaoru Rengolbai, 1960s
Ilechang me Ailei a di Uaikei
Tekoi: Tadasi Tadong, Year Composed: No information.
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Ilechang me Ailei a di Uaikei, Tadasi Tadong, 1960s
Imeyungs a Delad
Tekoi: Ngirchomtilou Ngemaes, Year Composed: before 1955.
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Clarence Ngemaes
Kaeri er a Todaiyama
Tekoi: Rechucher Kaske, Year Composed: 1941.
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Todayama, Soul Johanes, 1995
Tekoi: Ngiromtilou Ngemaes, Year Composed: 1937.
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Karmaliang, Unknown Electric Band, late 1970s or early 1980s
Tekoi: Dudiu Tutii, Year Composed: No information.
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KB, Rita Dudiu, 1960s
Tekoi: Dudiu Tutii, Year Composed: No information.
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No Recording of this Song
Tekoi: Dudiu Tutii, Year Composed: 1963.
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KDNT, Julie Aichi & the Palau Rhythm Makers, 1960s
Ke Dolenguul a Rechad
Tekoi: Emau, Year Composed: 1915.
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Halley Eriich, 1994
Kele Ke Di Ngara Ngelbesek
Tekoi: Wataru Elbelau?, Year Composed: No information.
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Kele Ke Di Ngara Ngelbesek, Wataru Elbelau
Kemiu e Sechelei
Tekoi: Bandarii or Tmeuang, Year Composed: 1961.
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Kemiu e Sechelei, Isimang Bandarii, 1965
Kerior el Ngar Kid
Tekoi: Yaoch Iechad, Year Composed: No information.
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Kerior el Ngar Kid e Ochedengei, Yaoch Iechad, 1960s
Kimi to Wakarete
Tekoi: Delkuu, Year Composed: No information.
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Kimito Wakarete, Sadami Skebong, 1960s
Kitar Belau
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Kitar Belau, Wataru Elbelau, 1960s
Klamiokel Berrous
Tekoi: Yonat Meluat, Year Composed: No information.
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Klamiokel Berrous, Yaoch Iechad & the VOP Band, 1960s
Koi Mo Nasake
Tekoi: Shiro Bedul or Mariur Lomisang, Year Composed: No information.
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Koi Monosake, Mariana, 2004
Tekoi: Kosang, Year Composed: 1935.
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Mosoiseb ra Ikesus, Kre Lang, 1983
Kua Kitang Ngera Kosiik
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Kucha Kitang Ngara Kosiil, Bai er a Metal Band, 1978
Kuureng a Lechul ma Reng
Tekoi: Shiro Bedul or Kodep Kloulechad, Year Composed: 1956.
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Derukiil, Inawo and the Paradise Club, 1960s
Lengelem re Ngak e Honey
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Lengelem re Ngak, Brisia Tangelbad, Live at the Fisherman’s Tavern 1980
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: befoe 1963.
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Ngaremel ra Mantekang, Kui-Roi Arurang & the Friday Night Club,1963
Marukioku Seineng
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Ngiwal, Tres Rdulaol, 1985
Mechas Momes
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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No Recording of this Song
Mei Ototo Tomo
Tekoi: Kebekol Alfonso, Year Composed: No information.
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Mei Ototo Tomo, Unidentified Singer, 1960s
Mekngit a Rengum Lekebil
Tekoi: Johnny Bekebekmad, Year Composed: 1967.
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Johnny B, 1982
Melechotech era Mado
Tekoi: Skilang Mitsungi / Mitsungi Skilang, Year Composed: 1948.
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Melechotech era Mado, Augustina Mechol, 1960s
Mengesang a Reng
Tekoi: Yonat Meluat, Year Composed: ≤ 1963.
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Mengesang a Reng, Unidentified Electric Band, late 1970s or early 80s
Mengurs a Ngurd
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: No information.
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Mengurs a Ngurd, Monique Kiweluul, 1960s
Meral Meiusech
Tekoi: Skilang Mitsungi, Year Composed: 1943.
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No Recording of this Song
Merat el Kerrekar
Tekoi: Yoichi K. Rengiil, Year Composed: late 1960s/early 1970s.
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Yoichi K. Rengiil
Meringel a Rengul
Tekoi: Rengiil Umedib, Year Composed: No information.
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Meringel a Rengul, Rengiil Umedib & Sunrise Band, 1960s
Meringel Emel
Tekoi: Dudiu Tutii, Year Composed: No information.
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Meringel Emel, Faustino singing with the ABC Band, Recorded in Koror, 9/24/1963
Mireng no Yamai
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Mireng to Mayami, Sawako Mabel & the Friday Night Club, 1960s
Mototoi Hanarete
Tekoi: Bobai Weloi, Year Composed: No information.
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Mototoi Hanarete, Paul Dakubong & the Tungelbai Band, 1960s
Msall e kdu Cheldechedechak
Tekoi: Ongesii Beches, Year Composed: No information.
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Msall e Kdu Cheldechedechak, Yoich Rengiil & the Palauan Rhythm Makers, 1960s
Nangaraku Sabisi
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: No information.
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Nangara ku Sabisii, Paul Dakubong & the Tungelbai Band, 1960s
Nanyo Sakura
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1955.
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Nanyo Sakura, Rosania Matchiau, 1960s
Natsukasi Belumam
Tekoi: Kodep Kloulechad, Year Composed: 1951.
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Toluk el Bad, Two Girls from Ngerchelong, 1960s
Natsukasi Omoide
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: ≤ 1963.
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Natsukasi Omoide, Sawako Mabel & the Friday Night Club, 1963
Ngak a Dirk Ngeasek
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: ≤ 1963.
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Ngak a Dirk Ngeasek, Rosa-Mistica, 1960s
Tekoi: Kebekol Alfonso, Year Composed: ≤ 1963.
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Kayangel a Tara Ungil Beluu, Te-ich Tiou & the Friday Night Club, 1960s
Ngeanges ma Ngchelobel
Tekoi: Bobai Weloi, Year Composed: 1939.
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Ngeanges ma Ngchelobel, Wataru Elbelau & the VOP Band, 1960s
Ngeltengat el Belumam
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel or Tadong, Year Composed: No information.
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Ngeltengat el Belumam, NgaraTumetum Dancers, 2000
Ngera Uchul ma Chelid
Tekoi: Sekang Oingerang, Year Composed: 1931.
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Ngera Uchul ma Chelid, Jim Geselbracht, 2017
Tekoi: Tmewang Ucherudel, Year Composed: 1931.
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Ngerbungs, Clarence Ngemaes, 1989
Tekoi: Tmeuang Ucherudel and/or Olkeriil Teteo, Year Composed: ≤ 1963.
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Bechesiil a Dimla Soak, Unidentified Singer, 1963 or earlier
Nisi no Sorani
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1938.
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Ke Di Tmesak, Martha Techitong
Oh! Somebody Me Keleng Saingo
Tekoi: Yoich Rengiil, Year Composed: 1968.
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Oh! Somebody Keleng Saingo, Margarita Remeliik, 1960s
Ollei Hatoba
Tekoi: Shiro Bedul, Year Composed: No information.
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Ollei Hatoba, Bai er a Metal band, 1978
Tekoi: Kebekol Alfonso, Year Composed: ≤ 1963.
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Teichi Tiou & Friday Night Club, before 1963
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1958.
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Chorekuul, Perry Timarong, 2002
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Meral di diak a mo uai kau, Keng-Ich and the VOP Band, 1960s
Oyano Yurusanu
Tekoi: Skiwo Merebang or Yaoch Iechad, Year Composed: No information.
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Oyano Yurusanu, Yaoch Iechad, 1960s
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Rasechebeab, Myuki Takataro & the Lucky 7 Band, 1960s
Tekoi: Rechucher Kaske, Year Composed: No information.
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Resentobel, Isamu, 1960s
Tekoi: Simang, Year Composed: 1935.
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Di Ua Blok Bad, Wataru Elbelau, 1960s
Ringelel a Chesebreng
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Ringelel a Chesebreng, Julie Tatengelel Aichi, 1989
Ruriko Yo
Tekoi: Shiro Bedul or Kodep Kloulechad, Year Composed: 1958.
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Ruriko Yo, Johannes Madracheluib & the Friday Night Club, 1960s
Sakura Lekebil
Tekoi: Chiang Ngirakelbid, Year Composed: 1965.
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Sakura Lekebil, Koyar Ruluked & Paradise Club, 1960s
Sayonara, But I Love You
Tekoi: Yoichi Rengiil, Year Composed: 1968 or 69.
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Sayonara But I Love You, Yoichi Rengiil, late 1960s or early 1970s
Tekoi: Rosania Matchiau (Masters), Year Composed: No information.
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SDS, Rosania Matchiau, 1960s
Sera Dekot el Tibir el kmo
Tekoi: Toribiong Uchel, Evasio Marino or Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: No information.
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Sera Dekot el Tibir el Kmo, Evasio Marino & Hinode Band, 1960s
Sechelei, Beluad a Kekeriei
Tekoi: Ngirasiau, Year Composed: 1960.
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Sechelei, Beluad a Kekeriei, Singer Unknown, 1960s
Sechelik Boriou
Tekoi: Towai, Year Composed: 1938.
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No Recording of this Song
Sel Hatoba er a Karmaliang
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel or Kodep Kloulechad, Year Composed: 1960.
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Sel Hatoba er a Karmaliang, Bai er a Metal Band, 1978
Seseruku a Renguk
Tekoi: Obak Takusi, Year Composed: No information.
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Seselk ku a Renguk, Brisia Tangelbad, 1980
Singoto no Kaeri
Tekoi: Skilang (Mitsungi?) or Boisek Emaudiong, Year Composed: No information.
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Singoto no Kaeri, Augustina Mechol, 1960s
Soak el Chetitau
Tekoi: Anaclaytus Faustino and Carlos Salii, Year Composed: No information.
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Soak el Chetitau, Annvolyn Salvador, 1988
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Stongoros, Christa Mersai
Tal Becheleleu el Bung
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1954.
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Tal Becheleleu el Sakura, Bidruu Iechad & Paradise Club, 1960s
Te Uoi Chetik a Remekedung
Tekoi: Keng-Ich Ucharm, Year Composed: No information.
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Te Uoi Chetik a Remekedung, Keng-Ich Ucharm, 1960s
Tekoi: Hidebo Sugiyama, Year Composed: No information.
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Tebetab, Hidebo Sugiyama
Tekoi: Boisek Emaudiong, Year Composed: No information.
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Techobei, Unidentified Male Singer, Late 1960s or early 1970s.
Tial Kisek
Tekoi: Tilei Erungel, Year Composed: No information.
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Saitung, Tilei Erungel and Friday Night Club, 1960s
Tiang di Ketenged
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1961.
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Tiang di Ketenged, Francisca Yalap & the Tungelbai Band, 1960s
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: 1931.
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Tobieira, Dilmers and Degaragas, May 1, 1936
Tomete Kureru Na
Tekoi: Kodep Kloulechad or Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: ≤ 1967.
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Tome Te, Yoich Rengiil, 1960s
Tsurai er a Renguk
Tekoi: Skilang Mitsungi, Year Composed: 1938.
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Silver Takada (Ryan Rengiil)
Tsurai Koi
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: ≤ 1964.
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Tsuray Koy, Jemmy Blelai & the Tungelai Band, 1963
Tsurai Wakarete
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: ≤ 1963.
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Tsurai Wakarete, Julie Tatengelel Aichi, 1960s
Tutau er a Bo Dekasmesumech
Tekoi: Kebekol Alfonso, Year Composed: No information.
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Tutau ra Bod Kasmesumch, Yoich Rengiil, 1970s
Uchul a Ngas #1
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Uchul a Ngas, Unidentified Singer, 1976
Uchul a Ngas #2
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Uchul a Ngas, Tres Rdulaol, 1985
Ultoir a Uoi Meringel #1
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1958.
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Meterkakl, Sawako Mabel & the Friday Night Club, 1960s
Ultoir a Uoi Meringel #2
Tekoi: Hidebo Sugiyama, Year Composed: No information.
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Ultoir a Uoi Meringel, Rosania Matchiau & the Voice of Palau Band, early 1970s
Vietnam Tayori
Tekoi: Kebekol Alfonso, Year Composed: No information.
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Vietnam Tayori, Augustina Mechol, 1960s
Wakai Inochi
Tekoi: Tekereng Sylvester, Year Composed: No information.
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Ng Kol Mo Oingerang, Kui-Roy Arurang & Friday Night Club, 1960s
Wakare No Hayasani
Tekoi: Ymesei Ezekiel, Year Composed: 1956.
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Wakare no Hayasani, Yoich Rengiil 1960s
Watasi no Kot era Soak
Tekoi: Bandarii Olebuu, Year Composed: No information.
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Watasi no Kot er a Soak, Isimang Bandarii, 1965
Tekoi: Esebei Arbedul, Year Composed: 1926.
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Seineng Hiraku, Tres Rdulaol
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: ≤ 1936.
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Isimang Bandarii, Paradise Club, 1965
Yasasii el di mla Desik
Tekoi: Emau Recheungel, Year Composed: No information.
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Ngelbesek, Brisia Tangelbad, 1994?
Yoake Mae
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: No information.
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Yoake Mae, Sawako Mabel & the Friday Night Club, 1960s
Yoi Yoake Ni
Tekoi: Shiro Bedul, Year Composed: 1957.
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Yoii Yo Ake Ni, Brisia Tangelbad, 1999
Yoru Ni Otsiru Ame Oto
Tekoi: Kodep Kloulechad, Year Composed: 1948.
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No Recording of this Song
Yumeni Kienai
Tekoi: Osarch or Ngiraisau, Year Composed: 1954.
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Yumeni Kienai, Sikitong Beltau, 1978
Yuyake Koyake
Tekoi: Unidentified, Year Composed: ≤ 1936.
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Yuyake Koyaked, Monika Kiueluul, 1960s
Collected by Jim Geselbracht. Latest Update: 8/24/2022

These recordings are the source material for the book "Adidil er a Klechibelau: Songs of Palau 1915 - 1970" by Jim Geselbracht, © 2022.
In about 1915, the people of the island nation of Palau in the Western Pacific Ocean began to create a body of songs set to melodies that they heard from their non-Palauan co-workers and neighbors and the popular music of their Japanese and American occupiers/colonists. These songs express in the Palauan language the heartbreak of past love affairs, praise and thanks to neighboring villages and the beauty of the singer’s home village. These are Palauan poetry. Adidil er a Klechibelau is a collection of the lyrics and music for 151 songs composed from 1915 to 1970 in the Palauan language, a history of that musical development, and an analysis of the themes and musical structures of those songs.
The 422-page book is available for purchase at the Belau National Museum (while they last). A PDF of the book is available for download here.